ادعية استغفار وتوبة : دعاء

by Duas Muslim apps



The application of supplications for forgiveness and repentance without Net, with an explanation and a complete supplication that is answeredAsking for forgiveness is a reason for giving to everyone who is bountiful, as in the saying of God Almighty: “And if you ask forgiveness of your Lord and then repent to Him, He will give you enjoyment in goodness. [Hood: 3], and the slaves are grease to ask forgiveness, because they mistakes at night and day, if God forgive forgiveness for them, and ask forgiveness to be the cause of mercy, as the Almighty said: "I have sent to the parents of their brothers Saleh to worship God and if they are two teams “People who do not rush to do evil before good, and do not seek God’s forgiveness so that you may be shown mercy.”Asking for forgiveness is considered an expiation for the assembly, on the authority of Abu Hurairah - may God be pleased with him - he said: The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: “Whoever sits in a gathering and becomes a lot in it because of his anger, and he said before he stood up, that there is no god but you, glorify thee. I ask your forgiveness and repent to you: He will not be forgiven for what was in his assembly.”Repentance: includes something past, present, and future, regretting the past, relinquishing sins in the present and determination not to return in the future, and seeking forgiveness: asking for forgiveness, and its origin: concealing the servant so that he will not be exposed, and protecting him from the evil of sin so that he will not be punished for him, for God’s forgiveness for his servant includes two things: He is not exposed, and his protection is the effect of his disobedience, so he is not blamed for it, and thus it is known that there is a difference between seeking forgiveness and repentance.Sheikh Ramadan, the Islamic preacher, said that God Almighty commanded His servants to seek forgiveness in many verses of the Noble Qur’an, including: The Almighty’s saying: “And seek forgiveness from God, for God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” Al-Baqarah 199, and the Almighty’s saying: “And seek forgiveness from Him.” “Repentance and repentance to God Almighty brings abundance of sustenance, well-being and well-being, noting that seeking forgiveness is to erase the past, and repentance is to fix the past, present and future.”The Islamic preacher pointed out that all good is in seeking forgiveness, which was the practice of all the prophets, citing the words of God Almighty: “So glorify the praises of your Lord and seek His forgiveness, for He was repentant.”We hope that the application will receive your admiration and may God repent to us and you and guide us the ways of the way. Do not forget to support us and evaluate the application. Thank you